Optimize Website Using cPanel

Optimize Website Using cPanel

Optimizing a website is necessary for better service. It will increase the loading speed, performance of your website. So that the one who visits your website will be satisfied with the performance of your website and it will increase your business. Note that a slow website can degrade your business because users will not remain on the website to finish the loading. So loading speed is one of the important matter of the performance.

There can be many types of information on a website. They can be CSS, JSP pages, images, videos etc. While optimizing, these contents may get compressed and it will increase the loading speed of your website. There are many methods to optimize a website. You can analyze the website before it is optimized so that you can find what should be optimized. There are many online testing tools available. You may be familiar with Google Page Insights and GTMetrix. The cPanel also offers a way to optimize the website. In this tutorial, we are going to see how to optimize a website using the cPanel. Please go through the documentation.

Website Optimization using cPanel

The cPanel provides a feature to optimize your website. Please follow the below steps to optimize the website using cPanel.

Step 1

Login to cPanel. You could login to the cPanel by appending the port to the domain name. If you are having shared hosting with us, you could directly login to the cPanel from your portal at https://my.1onlyhost.net . To access the cPanel interface using the port method, you could follow the below description.

https://yourdomain.tld:2083 or


This will lead you to the cPanel login page. You could enter the username and password for the cPanel account.


Step 2

Go to Software >> Optimize Website from cPanel. A screenshot of the interface is attached below.

Optimize website using cpanel


Now, you will be redirected to the next page where you can select what content should be optimized before the website is served to the user. Please note that the Apache mod_deflate is required for working. The type of content to be optimized can be selected in this interface.

Optimize website using cpanel


The above screenshot shows how to compress all content. We can also compress specified MIME types. To select specified MIME types, you need to click on the radio button corresponding to Compress the specified MIME types as shown in the below screenshot.

Optimize website using cpanel



We can also disable the compression from this interface. To disable the compression, you need to change the radio button to the Disabled. After selecting the desired option, you need to click on the button “Update Settings”. You can refer the below screenshot for any clarification.Optimize website using cpanel

This is how you can compress the website using cPanel interface.

If you need any further help please do reach our support department at support@1onlyhost.net

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