Installing SilverStripe CMS on cPanel Server

SilverStripe CMS is a PHP based content management system which provides separate roles of content authors and website developers.  The core of the software is SilverStripe Framework  which is used for creating and maintaining websites and web applications.  It provides a web-based administration panel that enables users to make modifications to parts of their website. This provides a contrast to CMS products that allow technical website development tasks to be performed within a GUI, and a contrast to programming frameworks that offer no content authoring application. The SilverStripe approach is stated to remove complexity for content authors, and offer more flexibility to developers. In this tutorial, we are discussing on how to install SilverStripe and configure it on a Linux servers. 

System Requirements

1) PHP 5.6 and PHP 7.x

2) Recommend using a PHP accelerator or opcode cache, such as xcache or WinCache.

3) Allocate at least 48MB of memory to each PHP process

4) Required modules: dom, gd2, fileinfo, hash, iconv, mbstring, mysqli, session, simplexml, tokenizer, xml.

5) We recommend enabling content compression (for example with mod_deflate) to speed up the delivery of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.


One of the following databases:

1)  MySQL 5.0+

2) PostgreSQL 8.3+ (requires “postgresql” module)

SQL Server 2008+, Oracle and SQLite are not commercially supported, but are under development by open source community.


One of the following web server products:

1) Apache 2.0+ with mod_rewrite and “AllowOverride All” set

2) IIS 7+

Support for Lighttpd, IIS 6, and other web servers may work if you are familiar with configuring those products.


One of the following operating systems:

1) Linux/Unix/BSD

2) Microsoft Windows XP SP3, Vista, Windows 7, Server 2008, Server 2008 R2

3) Mac OS X 10.4+



Installation is not very complicated and configuration is very simple as there is a web based installation page. Installation can be done in two ways either download the installer package, or install through Composer.

Download and unpack the latest version of SilverStripe to the document root which is available at

#cd /root


#tar -xvzf SilverStripe-cms-v3.1.1.tar.gz

Next, we will move on to setting up database for OwnCloud to use. Database creation can be easily accomplished by cPanel. In cPanel, select MySQL Database Wizard from the Databases section. Enter a name for the new database you wish to create and continue to the next step. Enter a username and password to create the database user account and continue to the next step. Select All Privileges to set security permissions the user has on the database and continue to the next step. Make sure the database username, database name, and password are saved in a notepad or other text editor so they can be used later during the installation process.

Make sure ‘date.timezone’ option in php.ini is set correctly. Also, the webserver user (Apache) needs to be able to write to ‘assets’ directory and ‘.htaccess’ and ‘mysite/_config.php’ files.

Open in a web browser and you should be redirected to ‘install.php’. Enter the following information:

Database Configuration

Database server: localhost

Database username: Your SilverStripe database user

Database password: your SilverStripe database password

Database name: SilverStripedb name

CMS Admin Account

Email: your email address

Password: your admin password

Then, select the default language of the CMS interface, select the default theme and click the ‘Install SilverStripe’ button. Once the installation is complete, click the link ‘Click here to delete the install files’ to delete the installation files.

If you need any further help please contact our support department.

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