Error fix: Images are not loading on website

WordPress sites that are hosted in cPanel, will sometimes have images that are not loading after we have uploaded the images to the correct location. This is because both hotlink protection and mod security are enabled. To load the image, you need to add the ‘URL to allow access’ list found within Hotlink Protection. You should select the “Allow direct request” checkbox when you use hotlink protection. Hotlink protection prevents other websites from directly linking to files on your website.

Steps to enable direct access in hotlink protection.

1) Login to cPanel.

2) Click on’ Hotlink Protection’ icon under ‘Security’ section.


Error fix: Images are not loading on website

3) Check that the hotlink protection is enabled in cPanel.

Error fix: Images are not loading on website


4) To enable direct request to the specific domains, to load the image, you need to add the URLs to allow access list found within Hotlink Protection. You should select the “Allow direct request” checkbox when you use hotlink protection.

Error fix: Images are not loading on website


5) Click on ‘Submit’ button after making all the above changes.

After completing the above steps make sure that the ownership and permission of the image is correct.

If you are getting a 404 error, then just disable the ModSecurity by clicking ‘ModSecurity’ icon under ‘Security’ section and navigate to the domain that you want to disable ModSecurity, then click the ‘off’ button.

If you need any further help please contact our support department.

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