PHP-FPM Pool Options in WHM

In cPanel & WHM version 78, PHP-FPM Pool Options settings have been moved to a new tab in WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface. Now we can access the system PHP Pool Options from the new System PHP-FPM Configuration tab in WHM’s MultiPHP Manager interface. The System PHP-FPM Configuration tab allows you to configure the system’s PHP-FPM pool options and php.ini directives. You can access domain-specific pool options and PHP INI directives through the Edit PHP-FPM button from the domain’s row in the domains table. You can find the domains table in the PHP Version tab. This action opens the new Domain PHP-FPM Configuration tab, where you can edit Pool Options for the domain, as well as the domain’s PHP INI directives. In this documentation, we are going to discuss the new feature to edit the PHP pool options.

1) Log into the WHM using username and password.

2) Navigate to “Software” section.

PHP-FPM Pool Options in WHM


3) Select the “MultiPHP Manager” interface from the page.

PHP-FPM Pool Options in WHM


4) Here, choose the tab “System PHP-FPM Configuration”.

PHP-FPM Pool Options in WHM


5) Now you can configure the PHP-FPM pool values for the system. The PHP-FPM Pool Option section allows you to set automated pools (workers) for all of the domains in your local server. In the PHP-FPM Pool Options section, you can set the appropriate values for the options Max Children, Process Idle Timeout, and Max Requests.

PHP-FPM Pool Options in WHM

6) Now you can save the changes by selecting the button “Save Configuration”. The system will display a success message.

7) If you want to configure the domain level pool option value and PHP INI directives, you can configure this through the Edit PHP-FPM button in the domains table. You can see the domains table in the PHP Version tab.

PHP pool option has some limitation to set the values. You can find the default values and limits for each option from the following.

Pool Options                Default            Limit

Max Children              5                      1-10,000

Process Idle Timeout  10                    1-10,000,000

Max Requests              20                    1-10,000,000


If you need any further help, please do reach our support department.

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