Access Terminal Interface in Browser from WHM

Access Terminal Interface in Browser from WHM

The cPanel was introduced in-browser terminal application in version 72 which provides direct command-line access. The access to the terminal is based on the users. As we are accessing the terminal from the WHM we are logging to the command line as root user. It can be much faster to complete some tasks using a Terminal than with graphical applications and menus.

Please follow the below steps to access terminal interface in browser from WHM?

1) Login to WHM.

2) Navigate to the option “Server Configuration”.

Access Terminal Interface in Browser from WHM


3) On this screen, you will see some server configuration option, from that click the option “Terminal”.

Access Terminal Interface in Browser from WHM


4) If you are accessing the terminal for the first time, a screen will appear with a warning message. Please click on the button “Proceed”.

Access Terminal Interface in Browser from WHM


5) This interface provides command line access to the server’s “root” account. You can now manage the server using CLI from the WHM.

Access Terminal Interface in Browser from WHM


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.

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