Compiler Access on WHM

Compiler Access on WHM

For a cPanel server, there will be C, C++ compilers. Providing access for the users to these compilers can sometimes cause problems. Providing access to the users to these compilers can make the server vulnerable to attacks. So that to improve the security, you can control the compiler access of the users. You can control compiler access for the users from the WHM. This documentation describes how to control access for the users to the C and C++ compilers from the WHM.

Steps to Control Compiler Access

1) Login to WHM.

You need to login to WHM for this. To login to WHM, you could add WHM port with the IP address of the server or existing hostname of the server.




Now you are logged into the WHM. You could follow the below screenshots for reference.

2) Go to Security center.

Click on the Security Center icon from the WHM.

Compiler Access on WHM


3) Click on the Compiler Access.

Now click on the Compiler Access to control the C and C++ compiler access.

Compiler Access on WHM


4) Enable/Disable compiler access.

You can enable/disable the compilers for unprivileged users. To enable the compilers for all unprivileged users, please click on Enable and to disable the access for unprivileged users, please click on Disable. Please refer the screenshot for clarification on this.

Compiler Access on WHM


This is how we can enable/disable compiler access for cPanel users.

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