How to Install TYPO3 in CentOS

How to Install TYPO3 in CentOS

TYPO3 is a free and open source enterprise content management system. It is written in PHP and uses MySQL to store its data.  We can run Typo3 on HTTP servers such as Apache or IIS. We can also run Typo3 with a variety of PHP versions from 5.3.  Typo3 will support multiple languages, and it is also expandable with plug-ins.  It can be easily customized and extended without writing any code.

Components of TYPO3

1) PHP: – Typo3 runs on PHP 5.3 or newer versions

2) MySQL: –  Every web application, simple or complicated, requires a database for storing collected data.

3) Web Server: – TYPO3 can run on HTTP servers such as Apache or IIS. Here we are using http server.

Installing TYPO3 (Centos 7)

1) First, we should install all the necessary packages which are required for the installation of Typo3. We need to ensure that the server is up-to-date to install the necessary TYPO3 programs.

# yum check-update

# yum -y update

# yum -y install httpd php mysql-server php-mysql php-pdo php-soap php-gd

#  systemctl start mysql httpd

# systemctl enable mysql httpd


2) We need to adjust some PHP variables for the higher Typo3 performance. Please check the following for adjusting the php variables in php.ini.

# max_execution_time should be set to 240 (seconds).

# upload_max_filesize should be increased to at least 10Mb.

# post_max_size should be increased to at least 10Mb.

# max_input_vars should be set to 1500.


3) Restart the web server to update the new changes.

#  systemctl restart httpd

4) If you need to install Typo3 in the home directory of a particular user. Then switch to that user and download the file. Here we are switching to the user “test” and also it is the document root of my domain “”.

root@Typo:~# su – test

test@Typo:~$ pwd


5) Download the latest TYPO3 LTS version from Source Forge. There will be a zip file and a .tar.gz file. Here, we are downloading the .tar.gz file. We can use “wget” command to download package.

# wget

You can always find the link to the latest version of software on the TYPO3 download page

6) Once the download is complete, extract the package.

# tar -zxvf typo3_src-6.2.15.tar.gz

Now the Typo3 installation package has been extracted from the typo3_src folder. You can rename the extracted directory for convenience. After that, we need to change the ownership of the file using chown command.

7) Create an empty file with filename FIRST_INSTALL and provide the appropriate ownership by running the chown command. The web installer checks for this file before starting the installation.


8) Now we need to create database and database user for Typo3.

For this, we need to log into the MySQL shell as the root user by running the following command.

# mysql -u root -p

You should provide the correct password for the Mysql root user to log in.

Use the following command to create the Database for Typo3.

# create database db_typo3;

Use the following command to create the Database User for Typo3.

# create user ‘user_typo3’@’localhost’ identified by ‘typo3password’;

Here “user_typo3” is the MySQL username and “typo3password” is the password for the database “db_typo3”.

Now we have to grant privileges for the user to access the database. You can use the following commands for this.

#grant all privileges on db_typo3. * to user_typo3@localhost identified by ‘typo3password’;

Use the following command to flush all privileges.


Use the following command to exit from the Mysql server.



9) Restart Apache.

 #systemctl restart httpd

Your TYPO3 CMS installation is now complete. You can finish configuring TYPO3 through your web browser.

If you need any further help please do reach our support department.

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