How to Install Monstra CMS on Centos

How to Install Monstra CMS on Centos

Monstra is a modern and fast Content Management System (CMS). It is written in PHP and uses MySQL to store its data. The installation of Monstra CMS is fairly easy and straightforward.  Monstra is a lightweight content management system which is easy to use and upgrade.  Here we can learn how to install Monstra on a CentOS 7 VPS with Apache and PHP.

Requirements of Monstra

Webserver: –  We can use either Apache or Nginx as a web server. Here we are using Apache web server.

PHP: – You need to have PHP version 5.3. or higher, with SimpleXML and Multibyte String PHP extensions enabled.

Mysql: –  Every web application, simple or complicated, requires a database for storing collected data.

Install Monstra (Centos 7)

1) Log in to your server via SSH as root user.

# ssh root@your_IP

2) Run the following command to update all installed packages on your server.

# yum -y update

3) Use the following command to install PHP and the other required PHP extensions, because Monstra is a PHP based application.

# yum install php php-common php-xml php-mbstring

4) If you need to install Monstra in the home directory of a particular user. Then switch to that user and download the file. Here, we are switching to the user “test” and also it is the document root of my domain “”.

root@Monstra:~# su – test

test@Monstra:~$ pwd


5) Download the latest and stable release of Monstra from their official website to your server by using “wget” command.

# wget

6) Unpack the downloaded zip archive.

# unzip

7) Change the ownership of the Monstra files and directories by using chown command.

8) Now we need to create database and database user for Monstra CMS.

For this, we need to log into the MySQL shell as the root user by running the following command.

# mysql -u root -p

You should provide the correct password for the Mysql root user to log in.

Use the following command to create the Database for Monstra.

# create database db_monstra;

Use the following command to create the Database User for Monstra.

# create user ‘user_monstra’@’localhost’ identified by ‘monstrapassword’;

Here “user_monstra” is the MySQL user name and “monstrapassword” is the password for the database “db_monstra”.

Now we have to grant privileges for the user to access the database. You can use the following commands for this.

#grant all privileges on db_monstra. * to user_monstra@localhost identified by ‘monstrapassword’;

Use the following command to flush all privileges.

# flush privileges;

Use the following command to exit from the Mysql server.

# exit

9) Your Monstra CMS installation is now complete. You can finish configuring Monstra through your web browser.

Here, we are using in the browser.

Please do reach our support department if you need any further help.

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