How to Install DataLife Engine Manually in Linux?

DataLife Engine is a CMS (Contents Management System). It is a paid CMS. DataLife Engine mainly focused on social media like and blogs. This tutorial will help you how to install DataLife Engine on Linux.

1) First, you need to create a database and database user.

Here is the example for creating below database and database user.

Database: example_dle

Database user: example_dle

DB user password: Tqwe123!@#

Run below commands to create database and database user

Login to server via SSH.


mysql> CREATE DATABASE example_dle;

mysql> CREATE USER ‘example_dle’@’localhost’ IDENTIFIED BY ‘Tqwe123!@#’;

mysql> GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON example_dle.* TO ‘example_dle’@’localhost’;


mysql> exit

2) Now download DataLife Engine from the official website.

Here I am going to install the trial version. Go to the official website and copy download link address.

Login to the server via SSH and go to the document root of the domain which you want to install DataLife Engine



#mv upload/* .

3) Go to your web browser and load http://yourdomain/

You will get below window. Then click “Start the installation”

How to Install DataLife Engine Manually in Linux?


4) Accept the license agreement and click “Next”. Then check the installed PHP components then click “Next”

How to Install DataLife Engine Manually in Linux?


5) Make sure your directory permission is correct.

How to Install DataLife Engine Manually in Linux?


6) Enter data base details and administrator account details.

How to Install DataLife Engine Manually in Linux?


The installation has been completed. Click “Next” to show website

Please note: Remove install.php file after the successful installation in order to avoid re-installation of the engine.


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.


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