How to Install Redmine?

The Redmine application is a flexible project management web application that functions on the Ruby platform. Redmine is open source and it is cross-platform and cross-database. Main features of Redmine are listed below:

  • Multiple projects support
  • Flexible role based access control
  • News, documents & files management
  • Flexible issue tracking system
  • User self-registration support
  • Multilanguage support
  • Multiple databases support
  • Time tracking
  • Custom fields for issues, time-entries, projects, and users
  • SCM integration (SVN, CVS, Git, Mercurial, and Bazaar)


The installation procedure of Redmine is listed below.


Pre-installation Settings

Before proceeding the installation make sure that the following RPMs exist on the server:




To install these RPMs, you can run the following command as the root user:

$ yum install ea-ruby24-mod_passenger ea-ruby24-ruby-devel ImageMagick-devel


Install the bundler gem

Run the following command as a cPanel user to install the bundler Ruby gem.

$ scl enable ea-ruby24 ‘gem install bundler –user-install’

Perform the following steps to install the bundler Ruby gem if you do not wish to use the scl utility. To do this, log in to the server as a cPanel user, and add the following line to your shell’s rc file (for example, /home/user/.bashrc file):

$ source /opt/cpanel/ea-ruby24/enable

Then log out from your terminal, and log back in again. Run the following command to install bundler Ruby gem

$ gem install bundler –user-install


Extract the Redmine archive file.

Download the Redmine application and extract the archive file after the installation of bundler and rake Ruby gems. Fort his, follow the below steps:

1) Access the Redmine website and download the most recent .tar.gz file from the Stable Releases section, To do this, run the following command:

 $ wget url

2) Extract the .tar.gz file by executing the following command.

$ tar xvzf redmine-X.X.X.tar.gz

3) After extract the .tar.gz file, rename the file to your Ruby application’s name by running the following command:

$ mv /home/$user/redmine-X.X.X   /home/user/greenmine


Create the database and database users

After you extract the Redmine archive file, create the application’s database and configure the database users. You can do this by following the below-given steps:

1) Create a databases and database users in cPanel’s MySQL Database Wizard interface (cPanel >> Home >> Databases >> MySQL Database Wizard).

2) Copy the contents of the /home/user/greenmine/config/database.yml.example file to the /home/user/greenmine/config/database.yml file.

3)Open the /config/database.yml file with a text editor and add the following information to the file:

The databases’ names.

The databases’ usernames.

The databases’ passwords.


Install Ruby Gems

To install the Ruby Gems that located in the /home/user/greenmine/Gemfile file, change the current directory to the /home/user/greenmine directory and run the below command:

$ scl enable ea-ruby24 ‘bundle install’


Create a secret key

Create a ‘secret’ key after installing Ruby Gems. This key is used for encoding cookies. To generate a ‘secret’ key, run the following command:

$ scl enable ea-ruby24 ‘rake secret’

This command returns a key hash. The secret key should look like the following:


After creating the secret key, create a /home/user/greenmine/config/secrets.yml file and add the following codes to this file.


secret_key_base: secretkey

Note: Replace secretkey with the key that the scl enable ea-ruby24 ‘rake secret’ command returned.


Create the database structure.

After you add the security key to the /home/user/greenmine/config/secrets.yml file, create the database structure. To do this, change the current directory to the /home/user/greenmine directory and run the below command:

$ RAILS_ENV=production scl enable ea-ruby24 ‘bundle exec rake db:migrate’


Create the data configuration

In this step, we are creating the database’s default configuration data set. For this follow the below steps:

1) Run the below command:

$ RAILS_ENV=production scl enable ea-ruby24 ‘bundle exec rake redmine:load_default_data’

2) When the system prompts, select the database’s locale. To do this, enter your chosen locale’s two-letter abbreviation in the command line.

Eg : For select British English as the database’s locale select en-GB


Set the file system permissions

To set the file system permissions, change to the /home/user/greenmine directory and run the following commands;

$ mkdir -p tmp tmp/pdf public/plugin_assets

$ chown -R user. files log tmp public/plugin_assets

$ chmod -R 755 files log tmp public/plugin_assets


Create the application

After completing all of this steps, create the greenmine application’s Apache configuration.


Restart apache

After all of the steps as the final step restart Apache by running the following command.

$ /usr/local/cpanel/scripts/restartsrv_httpd


Now you can access the greenmine application in cPanel’s Application Manager interface (cPanel >> Home >> Software >> Application Manager).


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.

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