Install Squid to Configure Proxy Server

In this tutorial we can check steps to install squid to configure a Proxy Server

Squid is a caching web proxy server, which is generally installed on a separate server than the webserver with the original files. Squid initially acts as a intermediary, and it passes user request to the server and saving a copy of a requested object itself, the memory is called cache memory. If any user request the same object before expires object from the cache, Squid immediately serves it. It will help to speed up browsing and bandwidth. Squid is a open source software, so we can install squid free of cost. Originally Squid was designed for Unix based systems, but we can also run Squid on Windows.


Squid Installation

1) Install squid using yum.

# yum -y install squid

2) Open the squid configuration file /etc/squid/squid.conf using your favorite text editor. Here I am using ‘vi’ text editor.

# vi /etc/squid/squid.conf

Add the following to the configuration file.


On line 26, add the following to define new ACL.

acl lan src

http_access allow localhost

On line 54, add the following to allow above defined ACL.

http_access allow lan

Then add the following to the end of the file.

request_header_access Referer deny all

request_header_access X-Forwarded-For deny all

request_header_access Via deny all

request_header_access Cache-Control deny all

Do not display the IP address.

forwarded_for off

3) Start and enable squid service on server

# systemctl start squid

# systemctl enable squid

4) If firewalld is running on server, you need to add squid service to firewall.

# firewall-cmd –add-service=squid –permanent

# firewall-cmd –reload

We can customize the squid server. Prior to editing squid configuration file, we need to make a copy of the configuration file.

# cp /etc/squid/squid.conf  /etc/squid/squid.conf.original

We can change squid listening port 8888 instead of 3128,

http_port 8888

We can change hostname by editing visible_hostname directive.

visible_hostname  <hostname>

After changing all the necessary directives, we need to restart the squid service.

# systemctl start squid

# systemctl enable squid


Advantages of squid proxy server

1) Squid proxy server helps the clients to protect their secure information from getting hacked by hackers.

2) Proxy server will help to speed up the accessing speed.

3) Cache system of the squid server is excellent. When we access any websites it stores the contents in its own cache. It will help to reduce the bandwidth usage.


Disadvantages of Squid proxy server

1) Generally, squid proxy server caching is helpful for users, but at the same time, proxy server owner should keep a look on the cache. The user can find many sensitive data like passwords, username, etc.

2) If a person is using encrypted connection still then there is a technique for entering both TLS and SSL encrypted connections.


If you need any further assistance please contact our support department.

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