Linux Commands to Check Mounted Files on the System

The common commands to check the mounted devices is the mount command. It can also mount and unmount them whenever needed. In this tutorial, we will discuss about a command similar to the mount command which is called findmnt.

Installation of findmnt

The command can be found in the package util-linux which is installed by default on most of the distributions.

$ aptitude search util-linux

i   util-linux                     – Miscellaneous system utilities


1) Listing the file system


We can view the files system mounted in our system in the form of a tree model by simply typing the command findmnt.

Linux Commands to Check Mounted Files on the System


2)  Files system in a list format

findmnt –l

The same tree style output of the mounted files system can be listed out without any model, by using the option l.

Linux Commands to Check Mounted Files on the System


3) Listing the system in df format

The output of findmnt command can be listed in the format of df command output with the help of the option -D or –df.

# findmnt –D

SOURCE           FSTYPE             SIZE                  USED               AVAIL               USE%   TARGET

devtmpfs         devtmpfs         887.1M             0                     887.1M            0%       /dev

tmpfs               tmpfs               896M               0                      896M               0%       /dev/shm

tmpfs               tmpfs               896M               86.7M              809.3M            10%     /run

tmpfs               tmpfs               896M                0                      896M               0%      /sys/fs/cgroup

/dev/vda3        ext4                 46.4G               3G                    41.3G                6%      /

/dev/vda1        ext4                 476.2M            233.1M            214.1M            49%     /boot

tmpfs                tmpfs               179.2M            0                     179.2M           0%       /run/user/0


4) fstab output list

File system information can be fetched from /etc/fstab file and /etc/fstab.d  directory only by using the option –s or –fstab.

findmnt -s

TARGET           SOURCE           FSTYPE                         OPTIONS

/                        /dev/vda3      ext4                             defaults

/boot               /dev/vda1       ext4                             defaults

swap                /dev/vda2        swap                           defaults


5) Filter out file system

We can filter out the file system required or if more than one files system is needed then separate it by a comma. In the given example, we have filtered ext 4 file system.

findmnt -t ext4

TARGET                       SOURCE           FSTYPE                         OPTIONS

/                                    /dev/vda3       ext4                 rw, relatime, data=ordered

└─/boot                       /dev/vda1      ext4                 rw, relatime, data=ordered



findmnt –raw

The findmnt output can be displayed in a random fashion using the option –r or –raw.

Linux Commands to Check Mounted Files on the System


7) Search with source device

File system can be filtered out with respect to the source device using the option –S.

findmnt -S /dev/vda3

TARGET                      SOURCE           FSTYPE                         OPTIONS

/                                   /dev/vda3       ext4                             rw, relatime, data=ordered


8) Search by mount point

Searching the file system with respect to the mount directory can be done with option ‘-T’/’–target’.

findmnt -T /

TARGET                       SOURCE          FSTYPE                         OPTIONS

/                                    /dev/vda3      ext4                             rw, relatime, data=ordered


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