Everything about cPanel Web Disk

What is Web Disk?

The Web Disk is a protocol that helps to access your files on the web from your PC. The protocol is also known as Web Dav. You could access the files on the server from your local device. It will allow you to create a folder on your computer and access files on the web as easy as if they were stored on your personal computer or local device. It will provide you a drag-and-drop mechanism to access the files.

It is another way of accessing files rather than FTP. Most people use FTP to access the files. FTP is also a useful protocol to transfer the protocol. Most common FTP client used is the FileZilla.

Steps to Access Web Disk

1) Login to the cPanel.

To log in to cPanel, please add the port 2083 followed by a full colon and call the website over https. An example is given below.

Eg: https://www.domain.com:2083

Now, you will get the cPanel login page. Please login to the cPanel with the current username and password.


2) Go to Web Disk under Files section. You could follow the below screenshots for reference.

Everything about cPanel Web Disk

3) Create a Web Disk account.

To create a new Web Disk account, please fill the fields with corresponding values.

Everything about cPanel Web Disk


This is how to create a new Web Disk account. Now we are going to see how to configure a client to use the Web Disk. Please repeat the steps 1 and 2 and click on Configure Client Access.

Everything about cPanel Web Disk


4) The next screen will show you the type of the devices/OSs. You could choose the device and OS and it will show you the settings to be used on the next screen. The settings will include Server Address, port, username, password etc. Please refer the below screenshot for clarification.

Everything about cPanel Web Disk

5) You could also download the configuration script by clicking on the button Download Configuration Script.

This is how you could configure the client for Web Disk.

If you need any further help please do reach our support department.

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